Not finding games inside games
i have configured xlink in my pc and everything is working, when i turn on my xbox the ballon pops up and tells me the ip of the console. soon after that i se another ballon telling me that i'm connected to the orbital something. i go to the xlink menu on xbmc and i can browse all the arenas, enter the chat and so.
my problem lies in that for example, i enter an arena for raimbow 6 and i see the people there, i then select play, xbmc tells me that my connection could not be verified and starts the game. i go to multplayer, system link and i cant find any rooms.
i'm using the lastest version of xbmc.
any ideas?
same problem here..
and here. :-(
check the site for more of my patches covers etc!
and here too!

same here!

i don't know if this helps but try to mark the host and then press play.
i had this same problem, im pretty sure its just a port issue, load the kai ui on your pc and click on the magnifying glass to bring up the list with ur xbox on it, if it shows the xbox click the folder icon to switch diagnostics view, in the second box in the list down the left side where it says:

public ip:
public port:xxxxx
network reachable: (this should say 'yes' otherwise its not working! so try a different port in the config and make sure that its forwarded to your comps lan ip)

ah yep, just learnt, also forward port 3074 to your computer lan ip, this allows game data flow whereas any other port you use is for the kai engine (my bro did it for me Wink )
rather than just clicking on the room and then pressing play i entered it and when the other players were shown pressed play. wouldnt work for me just pressing play on the room but does if i enter it.
i've done everything that everyone has said here but i can never see the game that i joined once i get into halo 2 or any of the other games for that matter. the only way to get halo 2 to work for me is to go on the pc gui and go halo 2 - americas and stay where are all the games list and then go into halo 2 on my box and the games all show up on the network game screen. i could never get this xlink thing to work with xbmc. i can browse all the games through xbmc but when i launch it nothing shows up....

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