No lobby in games
i am using xbmc 12/10 and i can connect to xlink kai, i can see games listed the amount of people in them.and chat works too . but every time i go to a arena and join it and hit the button to play the game. it starts up and i go to system link and the lobby is empty.out of 10 trys it will see people in lobby mabee 2 times it works.

what am i doing wrong?
i use :
ghost recon2/ rainbow 6-3 black arrow/ mechwarrior 2/
no firewall
dlink di624
xlink engine evolution 7

i even tryed to enter the mac adress in de configuration of xlink.also tried in xbmc network setting to use dash ip/ and dhp same problem.

does someone know a solution to my problem?
ya i have the same prob and so do all the guys i play with... i mainly play ghost recon 2 what i have found to work is that if i can get a ping from every player in the kai arena room then i can see then in the game lobby.... but if there is 1 player that it shows no ping to no luck.... not sure what the prob is.
guess no one knows the answer :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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