Thumbnail share between different users (profiles)
I have a mysql database on my NAS. I am successfully sharing it between my xbmc installations ( one is a atv2 and other a linux box).

I also have the thumbnails directory on the NAS. I used a symbolic link on the linux box (after a cifs mount) and used a path substitute like
on the atv2. This works as well for the master profile.

My question is

1) Can i share the thumbnails for the other profiles. In this case the kids have a different profile.
2) If yes. Can the kids profile have a different sources.xml? This sources.xml is a subset of the master and would need additional images.
3) How would I do it?. Add additional path substitutes or symbolic links? or would they need additional Thumbnail directories on the NAS?

Very old post -- but may I bump this?
I have exactly the same question.

It was probably considered a good idea at the time when profiles were introduced. Things don't always work out when time progresses.
Moreover, the whole profile functionality is currently wobbly at best, and should be rewritten for Kodi M.

So the short answer is 'no', thumbnail caches cannot be shared between profiles. Sorry.

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Thumbnail share between different users (profiles)0