Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
XBMC starts "zoomed in"
i assume you are using Windows Vista and changed windows DPI settings to make fonts larger. I did the same thing and had the same ZOOM problem. I changed screen video caliberation and xbmc looks just fine.
humalu Wrote:i assume you are using Windows Vista and changed windows DPI settings to make fonts larger. I did the same thing and had the same ZOOM problem. I changed screen video calibration and xbmc looks just fine.

This was the solution! Thank you so much Humalu! I had the font size dpi increased before installing the latest version. It kinda sucks, as i really need that fontsize for the television.

Also, does anyone else get the "bright screen" effect once the latest XBMC is started?

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